DuPont was already with TRC when I began volunteering with them. The first time I met him was on my first trip over to photograph the rescue's current dogs.
Based on what I've been told and the paperwork I have in my hand, Dupont was picked up as a stray dog by Animal Control sometime in March. He was in the shelter for a period of at least a month and eventually, that's how TRC found him. He made the long journey from Georgia to Minnesota in late April thanks to a volunteer rescue transport.
Upon meeting him for the first time in June, my first and only thought was that this dog needs to run. My second was that he was beautiful, so I aimed my camera and shot. Of 100 or so photos, two were of use to the rescue. Why? Because DuPont never stopped running. Back and forth and around and around. Wrestling with the dogs, grabbing toys and tossing them up in the air, and running.
This was the best photo I got of DuPont that day.
My second encounter with DuPont was again for photographic purposes. This time I was better prepared and with the help of other volunteers, we got some nice shots!
It was during an August adoption event that I saw DuPont the next time. He was more agitated than I'd remembered and seemed stressed out. The rescue had taken on a couple of newer dogs who were taking up a lot more time so DuPont was not getting out to run as much as he needed to.
Fast forward. I picked up DuPont two days ago to foster in my home with my hubby and my own pack of yahoos. Which after less than 48 hours with him, I quickly realized I would need this journal not only for your sake, but for mine.
The first couple of evenings, we let DuPont get to know his new roomies and acclimate to things. Tonight, he begins real training. I ask that you please cross your paws and say a prayer for me, because this is not going to be simple. But lucky you, you have a front row seat to this entertaining disaster!
I should have called it 'Bulldozer DuPont who steps on my feet, trips me on walks and thinks he's the worlds best lap dog' blog, but there weren't enough character spaces...
DuPont has a ton of fabulous qualities, but he's not for the weak minded or the faint of heart. If you are considering bringing DuPont into your life, I encourage you to read this blog in it's entirety and make sure that you are prepared for a dog like him.
The photos you see here of DuPont being relaxed and happy and fun are the result of hard work and structure. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You do not have to run him 5K every day, but you do have to put him to work and ask things of him on a daily basis.
The result? A calm and happy household.
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