DuPont is... cold sensitive, we'll call it. It's not his fault, he's just got no natural defense to this bitter cold we experience here in Minnesota. Sorry you got hauled up to the frozen tundra from your home state of Georgia, buddy. I heard it's been hoovering between 50-65 degrees in GA lately. Bet that feels nice...
The snood I ordered from a rescue friend finally arrived last night, so we've been harassing DuPont by taking a gazillion pictures of him in his snood.
Doesn't he look like an academic? He's just missing the horn rim glasses and a pile of books!
He doesn't look so scholarly here, my girlfriend Blanchard said he looked like an old lady.
I heart you, DuPont.
I should have called it 'Bulldozer DuPont who steps on my feet, trips me on walks and thinks he's the worlds best lap dog' blog, but there weren't enough character spaces...
DuPont has a ton of fabulous qualities, but he's not for the weak minded or the faint of heart. If you are considering bringing DuPont into your life, I encourage you to read this blog in it's entirety and make sure that you are prepared for a dog like him.
The photos you see here of DuPont being relaxed and happy and fun are the result of hard work and structure. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. You do not have to run him 5K every day, but you do have to put him to work and ask things of him on a daily basis.
The result? A calm and happy household.
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